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Monday, September 13, 2010

Moon, Ramu and I

Moon, Ramu and I

Geeta Dharmarajan | Art by Harshvardhan Kadam

2010, pp. 32

11"X8.5", ISBN 978-81-89934-59-0 [eng] HB

ISBN 978-81-89934-61-3 [hindi] HB

Rs 250 | World Rights: KATHA

Your attention please!

You are about to blast off to Moon.

The spaceship that will take you to moon is already on the launch pad of your


You have 10 seconds to slip into your invisible space suits.

Don’t forget to load your pockets with chocolates because moon will have none.

When you’re ready and have loaded enough, you can start reading.

Get set…5…4…3…2…1…0

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