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Sunday, September 12, 2010


The Famous Smile
Geeta Dharmarajan
Art by Rashin Kheiriyeh
Agar Magar has something special that he badly wants to share. But no one seems to
care... until one fine day! Come, walk with Agar Magar as he goes places, flaunting his
sparkling, shiny teeth and his famous smile.
Pub: 2007 | pp. 32 | 10"X8"
ISBN 978-81-89020-67-5 | Rs 150
World Rights: KATHA

On The Tip of a Pin was…
Geeta Dharmarajan
Art by Ludmilla Chakrabarty
On the tip of a tiny pin was a town where lived the Lion, Pig,
Cow, Goat, and Worm. Uncover the mystery of the Amazing
Worm, and her incredible wormholes! Go zooming with the
fastest underground dancer in the world. Hop into this sci-fi tale
for a journey you won't forget.
Pub: 2009 | pp. 36 | 10"X8"
ISBN 978-81-89934-26-2 | Rs 175
World Rights: KATHA

Free Mountain
Kaveri Chatterji
Art by Shweta Mohapatra
Long long ago, all mountains could fly.
They swam through clouds and skies so
And then came a day when…
Find out what happens next in this story that
comes alive with brilliant art. Wonderfully
imaginative, ringing with music and rhythm,
this book is sure to inspire every girl who
dreams of flying!
Pub: 2010 | pp. 32 | 9"X7"
ISBN 978-81-89934-49-9 | Rs 120
World Rights: KATHA

Guess Who?
Geeta Dharmarajan
Art by the children of Katha Lab
This is a song that most of us have sung as
Katha brings this old favourite back to life,
with words that resonate in english.
Pub: 2010 | pp. 20 | 9"X7"
ISBN 978-81-89934-45-3 | Rs 120
World Rights: KATHA


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